Tidmore Family
This is a blog about the Tidmore Family. We have moved a lot since we met, and we have met so many fantastic people along life’s journey. We are hoping that this blog will help us keep in touch with the wonderful people who have come in and out of our lives.
Saturday, January 14, 2006
I know you thought it would never happen, but we have pictures!! Can you believe it! You can thank a one Matthew Tidmore for showing me how to do this. Now that we have the digital camera it is a snap! Hope you enjoy.
Jerm and Livey Time

This is Uncle Jerm and Liv. They are playing the “Melmo” game on the computer. Liv loves playing this game especially if she gets to play with Uncle Jerm. It is called Elmo’s Keyboard-O-Rama and for those of you with little kids, below is the link to get to the game. When you press a letter or number on the key board, Elmo tells you what it is and shows you either an item that begins with the letter you selected or he counts to the number you entered. Fun time!
Christmas at the Kings
This is our Christmas with Yah-Yah and Papa. We had a wonderful time. There were a lot of people there. Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Amber – aka Uncle Jerm and Aunt Bamber. Our Kentucky family was also there. Mamaw Wells, Uncle Mike, Aunt Mary, Evan, Jessica, and Noel. Yah-Yah read the meanings of our names and a bible verse and a prayer for us in 2006. It was so thoughtful and very meaningful to all of us. We also opened presents, ate yummy steaks and side dishes, and then we played games. Everyone had such a great time!

This is when we went to Horse Shoe Bend. It is a street near us that everyone visits to see the lights. Some nights they have live reindeer. We went with Matt and Amy Castleman (My Matt and Mamie) and their nieces. Liv thought it was great and we had to convince her that she could not stay in the decorated Elmo house.