Carolyn Marie Tidmore

The visits, phone calls, cards, flowers, meals, and other outpourings of love have been overwhelming. Thank you to my Mom who ran non stop around our house so that Matt, Liv and I were cared for when we could barley think straight. Mom, you have been such an amazing strength and blessing to us during this time. There was also an anonymous gift to our family that has amazed us – if you are reading this; we are truly honored by what you have done. We truly appreciate what you all have done for us. It has meant more than words can say to us. We feel truly blessed to have a support system in our lives that carries us through these times.
The Memorial Service was wonderful – I know that is an odd thing to say, but Matt wanted the people to leave the service thinking “this was the best funeral I have ever been to.” I think if you were there you would agree.
Matt and Marcie felt it was important to make this time a celebration of Carolyn’s life. There were pictures displayed of her with the people she loved doing the things she loved. The focus was on living a live now that will glorify the Lord!
Bill Fowler opened the service by playing and singing “I Can Only Imagine”. This song was beautiful and it set a wonderful tone for the service. Past Keith Hodges gave a brief introduction and the Jamie Boemer blessed us by singing “The Lord’s Prayer”. Pastor Keith then spoke a great message and after that Matt spoke about his mom. It was so moving. Below are his notes for the service. It is long, but please take the time to read it and be inspired by Carolyn’s life. After Matt spoke, Jamie sang “Come Just As You Are.” Jamie was amazing and her heart and spirit touched so many people. One person, close to our family, shared with us that they were moved by Matt’s words; and while Jamie sang, they felt the Lord speaking to their heart and for the first time they accepted Christ as their Savior. What and amazing time it was! Thank you to all who could be a part of the Celebration of Carolyn’s Life and the Savior for Whom She Lived!
Thank you again for the outpouring of love, prayers, and support you have shown our family.
TRaci and MAtt,
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
I love and miss both of you!
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