Tidmore Family

This is a blog about the Tidmore Family. We have moved a lot since we met, and we have met so many fantastic people along life’s journey. We are hoping that this blog will help us keep in touch with the wonderful people who have come in and out of our lives.

Location: Huntsville, Alabama, United States

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Surgery and Pictures (not of the surgery)

I had surgery (tonsils and adenoids removed, both sides of deviated septum broken then shaved, then straightened and a bone spur removed from my nose - PAIN) so mom stepped in and took great care of my girls, Matt and Me! (We would not have survived without her!) While she was here, she took them and had their portraits taken. Here are some of the shots. I think they are great. I would type more, but time for more pain meds….

Olivia & Felicity

More Cute Shots!

Beach Pictures

This is as close to the beach as the poor girls get. Due to my whale phobia, they have not seen the real sandy shores. We do hope to take them soon.

Felicity: wait, I don't think this is real sand....

Olivia: Ummm, if this ends up on a Cracker Jackbox, somone is gonna pay!