4 Day Stay in the NICU

Felicity had a 4 day stay in the NICU, but Praise The LORD, she did very well and came home with us on Friday, which none of the doctors expected would happen. We know this is due to all of the prayers of our friends and family. We can not thank all of you enough for covering Felicity in prayer during this time.
All of the nurses that cared for Felicity were amazing! It is so hard not to get to care for your own baby, but they loved on her and gave her so much attention, that is really made the scary time much less stressful.
She looks like you, Traci J! Especially in that first picture... except she has daek hair and TONS of it!
AWE!! She is So GORGEOUS!! I think she looks like you too. Olivia looks like Yah-Yah!!!
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