Tidmore Family

This is a blog about the Tidmore Family. We have moved a lot since we met, and we have met so many fantastic people along life’s journey. We are hoping that this blog will help us keep in touch with the wonderful people who have come in and out of our lives.

Location: Huntsville, Alabama, United States

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Searching for the Christ Child

I know it has been a while since I have posted, but I just have not felt like posting because everything seems so trivial compared to the deep sorrow our friends Dan and Maria are going through. We continue to keep Dan and Maria in our prayers. Please visit their sites and learn of their story if you have not already spoken with us and are praying for this precious couple and their family.



Even though this is a sad time, I think I will now share some of the wonderful and precious things that are happening at the Tidmore home…….

I have begun to relate with the Wise Men who sought the Christ Child. No, there is not a shining star appearing to me and I am not carrying around the traditional gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, but I am constantly on a search for the Christ Child.

You see; He is missing. He is always missing. On occasion, if I look closely, He will appear, but for the most part He is missing. Before you call Brice Hospital and book me a room (for those of you not in the state of Alabama, this is the largest mental institution in our state), let me explain. We have a beautiful nativity in our den. We have discussed the TRUE story of Christmas with Olivia. She is fascinated with Baby Jesus. She has decided that He, as Alpha and Omega, should not be restricted to the manager and she takes Him along on all of her adventures. At times I have found Baby Jesus nestled in His “Birthday Tree”. Liv likes for Him to see the twinkling lights. I have found baby Jesus on the tray of her play high chair with a plastic mushroom as big as him sitting by him on a play plate. I have found Baby Jesus “swaddled” and lying in the baby doll bed.

In the mornings before we go to work and daycare, I ask Liv to locate Baby Jesus and return Him to the nativity stable. She is happy to run of and retrieve Him from some special location, give Him a kiss, and place Him by his “Mommy” and “Daddy”. She also gives Him one of her favorite toys to play with while she is at school. As soon as she returns home, the first thing she does is run to the nativity to give Baby Jesus a kiss!

It really blesses my heart to see her already love Jesus and literally walk and talk with Him!

So, if you visit our home during the holidays and you spot a crayon or miniature doll in the nativity, you will know that Baby Jesus did not only receive traditional gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, but He also received a special gift from a wonderful toddler.


Blogger ~Crystal~ said...

I love Liv stories!

8:26 AM  
Blogger Jamie said...

I'm so glad you posted!!! And what a sweet story! Tell Livvy-Loo that Aunt Jamie loves her!

9:17 AM  
Blogger Vickie said...

Such a sweet story. I hope you are keeping a journal for her to read about herself when she gets older. They are priceless.

6:25 PM  

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